- Heals & prevents razor bumps & burn
- Fast-acting formula
- Works great for bald heads & fades
- #1 choice for eliminating razor bumps
- Results after the first shave
- Dermatologist approved
- Barber recommended
Get smoother faster: You have in your hands the fastest acting Bump Patrol formula. It's the ultimate secret weapon guys use to get rid of stubborn, painful razor bumps and burn. But you're thinking "Does this stuff really work?" You bet. It has added penetration boosters to get to the problem quicker, so you'll see results after the first shave.
But will it dry out my skin? Not at all. We've added moisturizers so you don't have to. What if I use clippers or an electric razor? Go ahead. Use whatever you like. Bump Patrol works with all shaving methods. Is it easy to use? Absolutely. Smooth it on after every shave and your bumps will be history.
Works great for bald heads & fades. Put your best face forward every day.
Made in USA
Money back guarantee: Be 100% happy with Bump Patrol, or send it back with your sales receipt to M&M Products, 1355 Terrell Mill Road, Bldg. 1480, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30067. Allow 6-8 weeks for your refund.Just use a quality razor and smooth bump patrol on after every shave.
For severe cases, remove ingrown hairs with a tweezer an apply bump patrol 8-10 hours before shaving. Then follow directions above.
M & M Products Company